Wednesday, 26 December 2012

University and Hair

Hey readers! So I think I mentioned in my last post that I was starting University. Since then I have taken a small break from my blog which i am sorry for. I have had literally no time to even think about writing new blog posts. University is so fun but very busy and I've found I don't get a lot of time to myself. I am back from University at the moment for the christmas holidays so I've finally got chance to update my blog.

Okay so University has taught me a lot. Fresher's week taught me for example that it takes at least 3 washes to get powder paint from a UV party out of your hair and that brushing your hair in the morning is not a necessity for people who've only had 2 hours sleep and have to drag themselves up to go to lectures. From experience I've found that even though you know that teasing you hair for a night out and using a load of hairspray will result in your hair being one massive tangle the next day you will still carry on doing it anyway.

University life has also given me a different view of dry shampoo. While I still stand by my orginal coments in this post, I have found a new very important use for dry shampoo: You've been on a night out and haven't had chance to shower the next morning due to lack of sleep and having to get ready in about 5 minutes. Your hair is a greasy mess covered in sweat and grime form whatever club you have been in and possibly with vodka and lemonade split over it. The only way to look presentable is through the use of dry shampoo. So much so that I have run out of the original can that I bought and needed to buy some more. If like me, you party a little bit too much then dry shampoo becomes a saviour!

This next year I have made it my new years resolution to update my blog more regularly. Look forward to new posts!!

Jen xxx

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